Create Systemwide Change and Build Teacher Capacity
Every teacher, school, and district has different needs to improve grading, and that’s why we offer an array of tailored services–from individualized coaching and workshops for teachers to comprehensive System Change Partnerships that includes support for administrators, board members, and other constituents to improve grading practices and policies throughout a school or district.
Transform Systems for Student Success

System Change Partnership
Build Teacher Capacity for Improved Grading


Teacher Coaching

Online Courses
Equitable Grading Restores Trust in Teachers’ Grades
In most schools, teachers grade differently than each other, even when they teach the same course in the same school or district. That means that any grade can reflect each teacher’s unique grading policies, not what the student has learned, and results in inflated or deflated grades. Research shows that when teachers use equitable grading practices, their grades are more reliable and valid descriptions of the student’s learning, which means that administrators, parents, colleges, and students can rely on those grades. At a time when teacher credibility and professionalism are constantly challenged, equitable grading restores trust in teachers’ grades.
In most schools, teachers grade differently than each other, even when they teach the same course in the same school or district. That means that any grade can reflect each teacher’s unique grading policies, not what the student has learned, and results in inflated or deflated grades. Research shows that when teachers use equitable grading practices, their grades are more reliable and valid descriptions of the student’s learning, which means that administrators, parents, colleges, and students can rely on those grades. At a time when teacher credibility and professionalism are constantly challenged, equitable grading restores trust in teachers’ grades.
Equitable grading practices focus teachers on a common set of practices and principles that ensure more consistent approaches across teachers and make grades more valid and reliable.
Equitable grading provides more honest and fair reports of student learning because, in contrast to traditional grades, they are less likely to reflect the subjective judgments of teachers or the resources or other circumstances of a student over which they have no control.
Students report that because equitable grading focuses them on demonstrating their learning rather than simply amassing the maximum number of points, their classrooms feel less stressful, for them and for their teachers.
Let’s Improve Grading Together
To inquire about partnering with us, tell us more about what you are interested in and someone from our team will be in touch.