Nikole Joshi
Operations & Administrative Specialist

Nikole Joshi holds a B.A. from Radford University in Middle School Education as well as an MAEd in Curriculum & Instruction from Virginia Tech, and she recently obtained her MEd in Education Leadership and Administration from George Mason University. Nikole served for 11 years in Arlington Public Schools in Arlington, VA, in various capacities. She joined the Gunston Middle School Community in 2011 as the second Middle School Montessori program teacher and worked to grow and develop authenticity within the program.
During the past several years in APS, Nikole worked with schools to transform their grading policies while supporting and coaching teachers in standards-based grading implementation. Nikole has experience teaching special education and holds an ESOL endorsement and a Secondary Montessori I-II credential.
Nikole worked part-time with Crescendo Education Group as an equitable grading coach for the 21-22 school year before joining the team full-time. She is passionate about this work and wants all teachers to understand the power of equitable grading. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring the DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) area with her family, eating sushi, and traveling to new places.
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