Join the 2nd Annual Equitable Grading Study Tour
Grading practices have a powerful impact on students’ motivation, mental health, and academic success. When grading is improved, it not only reduces student failure rates
Grading practices have a powerful impact on students’ motivation, mental health, and academic success. When grading is improved, it not only reduces student failure rates
“Each year, millions of high school students are receiving grades that don’t represent what they actually know and have learned . . . Yet, they
Professional work environments in the 21st century are all about collaboration and teamwork. We want our students to learn important skills of working together: to
Who makes decisions in schools? Principals frequently promote “shared decision-making” or “distributed leadership” as a signal to teachers that their voices matter. A principal knows
How do electronic gradebooks undermine teachers’ professionalism and anchor them to an inaccurate and unfair grading system? Grading has come a long way from the
“Doubting their own professional judgment, teachers often believe that grades calculated from statistical algorithms are more accurate and more reliable.”–Thomas R. Guskey Teachers, as trained
With all of the pressures and demands on teachers, principals, and districts, why focus on improving how we grade? Grading is more than the final