Transforming Classrooms for Accuracy, Bias-Resistance, and Motivation

Equitable Grading Insights, Expert Analysis, and Innovative Strategies

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Can We Trust The Transcript?

“Each year, millions of high school students are receiving grades that don’t represent what they actually know and have learned . . . Yet, they are presented as the truth...

How Are Group Grades Inequitable?

Professional work environments in the 21st century are all about collaboration and teamwork. We want our students to learn important skills of working together: to identify and utilize their unique...

Consultation services - person answers questions about paperwork and research

Navigating Shared Decision-Making in Schools: The Complexities of Grading Policies

Who makes decisions in schools? Principals frequently promote “shared decision-making” or “distributed leadership” as a signal to teachers that their voices matter. A principal knows that teachers are more likely...

Traditional Grading May Not Be as Straightforward as It Seems

Education Week | February 2024
Each teacher’s grading becomes siloed, leading to wide variability—one 10th grade English teacher grades very differently from the 10th grade English teacher next door...
Teacher giving math lessons to students in a classroom.

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