Join the 2nd Annual Equitable Grading Study Tour
https://vimeo.com/1036726698/3286703960 Grading practices have a powerful impact on students’ motivation, mental health, and academic success. When grading is improved, it not only reduces student
https://vimeo.com/1036726698/3286703960 Grading practices have a powerful impact on students’ motivation, mental health, and academic success. When grading is improved, it not only reduces student
We all know that grades play a crucial role in opening doors to opportunities like advanced coursework, athletics, and college admissions. However, our recent report,
Education Week | February 2024
Each teacher’s grading becomes siloed, leading to wide variability—one 10th grade English teacher grades very differently from the 10th grade English teacher next door
Education Week | February 2024
As someone who has researched equitable grading, written about it, and worked with hundreds of teachers to understand and implement the practices for it over a decade, I wanted to share some thoughts
Connecticut Public Radio | September 2023
No two school districts, or even two teachers grade in the exact same way. Which means that grade bias
Harvard Graduate School of Education | May 2023
The confusion starts with consistency, as in, there is none. At most schools, there’s no consistency about
Edutopia | October 2022
No two school districts, or even two teachers grade in the exact same way. Which means that grade bias is a
Center for Assessment | July 2022
It’s time to stop pretending we have a “100-Point” Grading Scale. Grading and grading scales are one of the
Education Next | Fall 2022
Letter-based grading became universal in U.S. public schools by the 1940s. Today, protocols for handing out grades of A–F on
LA Times | November 2021
A few years ago, high school teacher Joshua Moreno got fed up with his grading system, which had become a