Chapter One
Grading for Equity
What It Is, Why It Matters, and How It Can Transform Schools and Classrooms

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There is growing awareness that traditional grading practices have become a barrier to meaningful student learning. There is a lack of resources to support educators who want to adopt new grading practices that are both accurate and equitable. Joe Feldman addresses this need.
–Dr. Jeffrey Tooker, Superintendent, Placer Union High School District

At the height of COVID-19, we leaned on Joe’s expertise and his book Grading for Equity. Now as we rebound from the pandemic, this second edition will equip postsecondary faculty with the theories and practices of equitable grading to prevent us from subjecting another generation of college students to the harms of traditional grading and transform both the faculty and student experience.
–Fatima Alleyne, Director of Community Engagement and Inclusive Practices, College of Engineering, UC Berkeley

Feldman demonstrates how equitable grading practices raise standards for all students by mitigating biases, eliminating irrelevant “extra-credit” points, and leveling the playing field such that what students actually know shines more brightly than metallic markers, expensive poster boards, and other trappings unavailable to all students.
–Caroline G. Blackwell, Vice President, Equity and Justice, National Association of Independent Schools

The deep explanations of “why” in this book demonstrate how equitable grading practices can work in college and university classrooms. Grading for Equity is the seismic change we need in higher education to help us serve more students in a more meaningful way.
–Evan Variano, Professor and Former Dean of Students College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley