Transforming Classrooms for Accuracy, Bias-Resistance, and Motivation

Equitable Grading Insights, Expert Analysis, and Innovative Strategies


If you’ve read this blog before, it might seem like all we do is focus on the challenges in education–so many aspects that need transformation! So many different kinds of...

Why Leaders Will Love the Equitable Grading Study Tour

Support Specifically for Education Leaders Leading improved grading work at the school or district level is uniquely challenging. As a former assistant principal, principal, and district administrator, I know firsthand...

Three Surprise Benefits of Standards-Based Grading

New Year, New Possibilities Ahh, the first month of a brand new year! Everything feels new and promising, a blank slate, or, in the words of the illustrious hip-hop group...

GRADING FOR EQUITY: Start Getting Buy-In Today!

As facilitators and client managers here at Crescendo Education Group, we have met with a wide and diverse breadth of school leaders nationwide from a variety of institutions–rural, suburban, urban,...

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