Transforming Classrooms for Accuracy, Bias-Resistance, and Motivation

Equitable Grading Insights, Expert Analysis, and Innovative Strategies

GRADING FOR EQUITY: Start Getting Buy-In Today!

As facilitators and client managers here at Crescendo Education Group, we have met with a wide and diverse breadth of school leaders nationwide from a variety of institutions–rural, suburban, urban,...

Inflate Balloons, Not Grades

The Shock of Public Scrutiny Early in my teaching career in New York City Public Schools, I knew that my students weren’t getting grades that reflected their proficiency. Not only...

Hot air balloon
Study Tour Equitable Grading

Join the 2nd Annual Equitable Grading Study Tour Grading practices have a powerful impact on students’ motivation, mental health, and academic success. When grading is improved, it not only reduces student failure rates but also increases teacher...

Watch the Webinar: Can We Trust the Transcript?

We all know that grades play a crucial role in opening doors to opportunities like advanced coursework, athletics, and college admissions. However, our recent report, Can We Trust the Transcript?,...

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