
Powerful Learning Experiences for Educators

Teachers consistently share that Crescendo Education Group’s professional development has a profound impact on them. It doesn’t just prepare them to implement more effective grading and assessment practices, it also inspires them to improve other aspects of teaching and learning connected to grading: lesson design, feedback strategies, teacher collaboration, and parent communication.

Teachers would highly recommend our professional development to other teachers


Teachers find 1:1 coaching valuable from our Grading for Equity Coaches


Teachers report that our workshops had a higher impact vs. others

Improved Grading Practices Benefit Everyone

When teachers implement equitable grading practices, everyone benefits: students, the teachers themselves, parents, and anyone who relies on grades to be accurate and fair. In our organization’s work with over 11,000 teachers and hundreds of districts, schools, and colleges, there are consistent, meaningful results:


Decreased Stress in Classrooms


of teachers report reduced stress among students in their classrooms

Shift from a Focus on ‘Points’ to Learning

It has been nice to have the conversations with students change from ‘How many points do I need?’ to ‘What do I need to learn?’

Stronger Motivation and Belief in Their Own Success

Since moving to equitable grading, students who fall behind can more easily improve, decreasing the number of students who give up because they have no hope

Greater Agency and Responsibility


Teachers are  3x  more likely to agree that students understand how grades are determined and know how to improve them after our professional development


Improved Relationships with Students


of teachers report improved relationships with students

Positive Changes to Grading Practices and Overall Teaching


of teachers report improvement in not just grading, but their overall teaching

More Effective Teaching


of teachers report that their changes to grading has improved learning for all students

Increased Commitment and Connection


of teachers report that our professional development made them more likely to stay in their school or district


Teacher-driven Support for Fair Grading


of teachers report positive changes to their approach to grading following our professional development

Increased Student Success

We’ve tried a lot of strategies to reduce achievement gaps across our district. This professional development is the first thing that’s moved the needle

Improved Job Satisfaction and Teacher Retention

This work of improving grading has brought the joy back into teaching for me

Improved Grading Systemwide

This empowers me to be a catalyst for change – to make grading as fair and equitable as it can be for our students across the district

Research-Based Approach to Ensure Equitable Grading for Every Student

Because equitable grading focuses on mastery of content, students receive grades that reflect their true learning without being inflated or deflated by other factors. Independent researchers at Elite Research Statistical Consulting, LLC, have measured the impact of improved grading practices on student grades and consistently found that our equitable grading professional development with teachers and leaders results in grades that are more accurate and fair.

Crescendo Education Group’s professional development results in:

  • Decrease in student failure rates
  • Decrease in grade inflation
  • Increase in the correlation between teacher-assigned grades and standardized test scores
    (grading becomes more valid and reliable)

Learn more about the research on equitable grading:

Ready to help us expand our impact and transform grading practices?

Bring powerful learning experiences that improve grading to your school or district. 

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