Martiza, High School World Language Teacher
I want to encourage the students to go back and look at what they got wrong.
“The most significant change I have made is promoting retakes. I want to encourage students to look at what they got wrong, as opposed to the old way, where they would just get it back and we’d move on. When I give students back a test, they have to analyze what went right and what went wrong. Students who did great on the test share their study techniqueswith the class–‘I studied with my mother, I studied with my sister, I used flashcards, I saw a song on YouTube.’–and the ones that failed can learn from the ones that did well.
I am helping students see they need to study, but they are smart and they are capable, and even if they need more time, they are able to reach their goals. If we give them an F with no explanation and no chance to change it, it may encourage them to drop out of school. The opportunity here is to motivate them, to help them understand how to be successful. Their test scores improve and they are going to close the achievement gap and reach their own highest potential. The impact is significant.”
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